Annals of internal medicine.
- [Philadelphia, etc.], [American College of Physicians]
- volumes illustrations, diagrams 26 cm
- Semimonthly, <1991->
- Monthly, 1927-
- v. 1- July 1927-
Chemical abstracts 0009-2258
Vol. 2-<50> called also old ser. v. 7-<55> Issues for <1991-> consist of 2 vols. per year with 12 nos. each.
Vols. 1-40, July 1927-June 1954. 1 v.; Vols. 41-50, June 1954-June 1959. 1 v.
Has supplement: ACP journal club, 1991-1994; which became an independent publication in 1995. Absorbed ACP journal club as a section and continues its own volume numbering with v. 148, no. 3 (20 May 2008).
= Annals of internal medicine
= Ann. intern. med.
American College of Physicians, Independence Mall W., Sixth St. at Race, Philadelphia, PA 19106-1572 $103.00