Find the answers for the most frequently asked questions below
Who can register to be a member?
All members of the public are elligible for library membership, as well as utilise our services and borrow books for free from our facilities.
What services are offered?
ISBN and ISSN services, internet access, photocopying, printing, scanning and e-book loaning amongst others. Feel free to request for the currently available services when you make your visit.
Will I receive a membership card?
Yes! A customised membership card will be provided when you initialise your membership, this is a free service, but replacement costs will be borne by the patron, at SCR 25.
Can make purchase suggestions?
Yes. Go to the "Purchase Suggestions" tab in your account page. Whilst we cannot promise every book, we will do our best to meet the majority request.
Can I reserve a book that has already been borrowed?
Yes, select the "Hold" button on the OPAC, and you will receive an automatic notification when it has been returned. Please note that collection must be done within 7 days, or your reservation will become invalid.
What if I lose a book that I have borrowed?
Please inform librarians of the loss for the next step. We do not directly charge for each loss, but instead request a book of equal value to replace the one that has been lost.
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Seychelles National Library: Francis Rachel Street, P.O.Box 45, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles.
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